Author Guidelines
The Journal of Intelligent Systems and Computing (JISCOM) aims at publication of original research articles, survey articles, review articles, case studies and book reviews etc. mainly of intelligent systems, computing and related areas.
Why publish with us?
- Rapid publication & high global visibility
- Expert peer review by a global editorial board
- No article processing charges (APC) !
- Open access publishing
Research articles
Research articles should present the results of an original research study. These manuscripts should describe how the research was conducted and provide a thorough analysis of the results of the research. The research article format is suitable for many different fields and different types of studies. It includes full Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections.
Survey articles
Survey focuses on data collection methods for large scale surveys, but papers on special populations are welcome. Papers on experiments, or papers based on data from non-probability samples are welcome given that authors undertake steps to assess external validity or limitations concerning population estimates in detail.
Review articles
A review article provides an overview of the published literature in a particular subject area. Review Articles provide a comprehensive summary of research on a certain topic, and a perspective on the state of the field and where it is heading. Reviews are often widely read (for example, by researchers looking for a full introduction to a field) and highly cited. Reviews commonly cite approximately 50 primary research articles.
Case studies
These articles report specific instances of interesting phenomena. A goal of Case Studies is to make other researchers aware of the possibility that a specific phenomenon might occur. Case studies help to provide a continual flow of effective up-to-date cases to promote excellence in research.
Book reviews
Book reviews are published in most academic journals. The aim of a book review is to provide insight and opinion on recently published scholarly books. Book reviews are also relatively short articles and less time-consuming. Book reviews are a good publication option for early-career researchers as it allows the researcher to stay abreast of new literature in the field, while at the same time, adding to his publication list.
Please note that all papers accepted for this journal are subject to originality checking. To avoid potential problems, please ensure that all citations and sources are fully disclosed at the point of submission. The language of the manuscript should be English only. Initially the paper should be submitted in DOC format. Upon formal acceptance from the Journal, the paper should be submitted strictly in the Journal template. There is no Article Processing Charges (APC) for the manuscripts accepted in this Journal.
Editorial decisions on acceptance or otherwise will be taken normally within 8 weeks of receipt of a paper. The corresponding author will receive proofs, which should be corrected and returned within 1 week of receipt. Authors must retain a copy of every contribution, as these will not be sent along with the proofs to be corrected by the authors. Responsibility of the content rests upon the authors and not upon the Journal.
- Submitted manuscripts must not have been published previously nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Moreover submission to the journal will be deemed to imply that the manuscript will not be submitted elsewhere if accepted.
- Publication of paper in the journal automatically transfers the copyrights from the authors to the Journal.
- Declare any conflicts of interest
- Check all co-authors meet criteria for authorship and ensure appropriate acknowledgements made in the manuscript
- Include appropriate funding statements in the manuscript
- Sign a copyright agreement